THINGS ARE HAPPENING (Ep. 3) - A Slow Motion Car Crash & The Ministry of Truth (April 30, 2022)
“The Slow Motion Car Crash”
I firmly believe that we are currently in the midst of an all-time market crash type of event. I’ve felt this since the “Coronavirus” Plandemic began & the Government started pushing Aid bills amounting to tens of billions… then hundreds of billions… then we casually entered the ‘TRILLION$’ REALM & now the “T” WORD rolls off the tongue for people so easy that my fear is/has been that these numbers will become as meaningless & worthless as the paper they are printed on.
“Blame It On The Fed - Part 2” (FORBES - April 30, 2022)1
“This Is A Housing Crisis”
MARKETS: Recall that last week it was big names like NETFLIX / FACEBOOK / WARNER BROS topping the LOSS LEADING Charts…
Netflix’s fall continued through this week…
Want a really quick MICRO analysis for a MACRO level understanding of how/why the stock market is literally a ticking time bomb...? Good cuz here we go. To get an understanding of what’s been happening since Covid in the stock market, look no further than “electric car company” called “Rivian.”
“Electric car company” is in quotes because as you see below, it’s far more of a marketing company or intentional accounting blackhole for its major corporate owners such as Amazon & Ford, than a real automobile manufacturer… or as the media loves to call it: “the next Tesla”
Rivian went public on November 10, 2021 at an initial offering price of $78.
At the close of trading on Fri., Nov. 12, 2021 (3rd trading day), Rivian’s stock price was nearly $130; reflecting a market value of more than $127 BILLION.
On Monday, November 15, shares closed trading at $149
On Tuesday, November 16, shares topped out at $172.
On Wednesday, November 17, shares fell to $146… and they haven’t stopped falling since.
At the close of trading on Friday, April 29, 2022, Rivian shares were $30.24
… and just a few days later, on November 19, 2021, “Ford and Rivian announced they were canceling plans to jointly develop an electric vehicle”2
So interesting they would announce this less than 10 days after the IPO… especially when Ford owns 12% of the company (Rivian)… Are we to believe this wasn’t known of leading up to the IPO? Have to imagine this “joint vehicle development” would have been factored into the financial projections Rivian investors relied upon when evaluating the company & determining the appropriate market valuation… which—since actual sales were BELOW $1 million dollars in the quarter prior to IPO & there was very little sales activity—makes projections, tentative contracts, and pre-orders essentially the most important details to any investor in the IPO… so the timing of this announcement to cancel the joint vehicle development 9 days after the IPO is suspect to say the least.
From Rivian’s Sept. 30, 2021 3rd Quarter Shareholder presentation:3
Now I am going to copy/paste a few entries from my personal notes dated November 11 - 12, 2021:
I am legit laughing out loud as I am pasting all of this in here right now… it was SO CLEAR FROM THE START that they were just dumping this company onto whatever foolish peasant retail traders would buy their hype & media campaigns…
Isn’t this such a familiar theme today?
(April 27, 2022) — US Dept. of Homeland Security’s Announces *NEW*
According to the Associated Press4
The Department of Homeland Security is stepping up an effort to counter disinformation coming from Russia as well as misleading information that human smugglers circulate to target migrants hoping to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border.
“The spread of disinformation can affect border security, Americans’ safety during disasters, and public trust in our democratic institutions,” the department said.
A newly formed Disinformation Governance Board announced Wednesday will immediately begin focusing on misinformation aimed at migrants, a problem that has helped to fuel sudden surges at the U.S. southern border in recent years. Human smugglers often spread misinformation around border policies to drum up business.
Per the Washington Post5:
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas mentioned the creation of the board in multiple congressional hearings this week. In one, he linked it to efforts to combat misinformation from human smugglers. In another, he said it would be used to counter Russian cyber and election misinformation:
“We have just established a mis- and disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security but to our homeland security.”
Amid growing anti-censorship fervor on the right, a bevy of Republicans have suggested that the initiative amounts to policing speech. Elon Musk declared it “messed up.” Many on the right likened it to the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell’s book “1984.”
These people are extraordinary bullshit artists.
“Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating 'Disinformation Governance Board'“
The news comes two days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk secured a $44 billion deal to buy Twitter6

Make sure to check out my (very well timed!) article from earlier this week titled:
“Part 5: ‘TRUTHY’ & Indiana University’s Misinformation Problem”
These are the GATEKEEPERS, the CONTROLLERS, the CENSORS… We must understand how they operate & try to stay a few steps ahead anywhere we can because they are literally rolling out Orwell’s 1984 on the world in real time…
Disinformation board to tackle Russia, migrant smugglers | AP News
Disinformation Governance Board - Wikipedia
Is Russian Meddling as Dangerous as We Think? | The New Yorker
Washington Post contributor faces disinformation charges in Russia | Washington Examiner
Nina Jankowicz: Biden's New Disinformation Czar | National Review
WH pick for disinformation board spread Hunter Biden laptop lie
Disinformation board to tackle Russia, migrant smugglers | AP News
DHS 'Disinformation Governance Board': Are You Ready? | National Review
Who Is Nina Jankowicz? Head of Joe Biden's Disinformation Governance Board
What is the Biden administration's new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’? - The Washington Post
Stories the ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ won’t touch with a 17 foot pole…